About Kim


About Kim

Hello, I’m Kim, the God-fearing mommy behind Busy and Loving It. I have one beautiful daughter and we stay pretty busy, hence the name of the blog. I’ve felt called by God for quite some time to ACT, but I wasn’t clear on what I was supposed to do. For years I did little bits of things here and there, but that was about it.

I went on my first missions trip last year, 2015, and it was an eye-opening experience. I still felt I was supposed to ACT, but still didn’t know how. Even through prayer, I felt I wasn’t getting it. But, I love to write. I’ve always done it, even as a child.

I finally got it. God’s voice came to me quite clearly one day. “You are to spread my message”. Yep, that was it. The how came immediately after that. What better way to spread God’s message than the internet. This will reach far more people, God willing, that if I went to one location.

This blog isn’t the best, but it’s my way of doing what God has asked me to do. Since, I also enjoy doing things with my daughter and testing out DIYs, I’ve decided to combine that into my blog. If it’s God’s will, it will all work out. If not, I know He will speak to me again. I do still feel that we will be asked to MOVE, but until I hear where, I will continue to focus on spreading his message via this blog.

I hope you join me on this wonderful journey.

In His Grace,
