Acting Without Thinking Can Lead to Disaster

acting without thinking

Acting Without Thinking Can Lead to Disaster

I’m doing a Bible study on Proverbs and verse 19:2 stood out to me. I immediately thought back to the many times I acted without thinking. Instead of looking further into a situation, I made a quick judgment call or a quick decision. I later had to deal with the consequence of my action. Acting without think can lead to disaster if we’re not careful.

Enthusiasm without knowledge is not good. If you act too quickly, you might make a mistake.
Proverbs 19:2 (ICB)


Without wisdom, we do not pause to grasp the situation. Instead of becoming knowledgeable and planning, we rush to act. That will often blow up in our faces. We’re left to think of a new plan of action, apologize if anyone was affected, and pick up the pieces.

However, a wise person will learn from this mistake. We can look at this as a learning experience and move forward. God has gotten me through my bad decisions in the past. In my folly, I even blamed Him at times. After gaining wisdom, I’m learning from the mistakes of the past. I do not jump into anything now without careful consideration.

A fool will choose to blame others, blame God, or blame the circumstance. The fool will not blame herself, even though it was her lack of wisdom that caused the issue. She will engage in the world of pity parties and unbelief. The result is that she won’t learn and will continue to make bad decisions.

How Do You Gain Knowledge?

You can knowledge by studying. Do some research by talking to people who have previous experience or looking things up. If it’s a major life decision, seek out others who’ve had a similar experience. Find out why it did, or did not, work for them. Use the knowledge you gain to determine if it’s the right decision for you.

Another thing to do is PRAY! This is something I still need to remind myself to do. Before we step out, we need to pray. If it’s a path God wants you to follow, the right doors will open. If you experience confusion and blockades, you should wait. God will give you clarity, not confusion.

If You Take Action

If your praying and research lead you to move, then go for it. Continue to pray and seek wise counsel along the way. Be prepared for things that may come up and get in your way. Preparation is the key success. Praise God for your journey and His guidance.

Acting without thinking can lead to disaster. However, research, proper planning, and a lot of prayer will help you determine your next step. Trust God and seek Him always. Continue learning so that you will gain wisdom.

Have a blessed and prosperous week!


Are you struggling with the belief that God actually loves you? Do you struggle to believe that He wants a real relationship with you? I struggled with this for years. Through studying the scripture, I grew to understand God’s love, grace, and mercy. I created a 30-day book that I believe will help you, too.

0 Day SOAP Bath - Understand the Love of God



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