Be Blessed – Psalm 1:1


Be blessed. Do not be led when challenged by unbelievers. Let's look at Psalm 1:1

Be Blessed – Psalm 1:1

Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers
Psalm 1:1

Don’t Get Led

When you try to do right, people will try to bring you down. Look at any social media feed and you’ll see it happen every day. When you talk or write about things that are righteous, you might find yourself ridiculed by the ‘scoffers’. It’s very easy to throw up your hands and give up. You may be tempted to switch to their side to try and see things ‘their way’.

However, blessed are those who don’t. The only right way is God’s way. Don’t let anyone fool you. I’m more willing to be labeled ‘close-minded’ or ‘bigoted’ by people than a ‘sinner’ by God.

My heart is open. I pray for people I don’t even like. I still sin because I’m human, however, I’m not a ‘sinner’ because sin does not dominate my life. Sinners relish in their sin and drag others down with them. I was saved by Jesus. I am filled with the Holy Spirit, not led by sin. I’m not saying I don’t sin, however, I am immediately convicted when I do and I immediately repent and I try, with all of my being, to follow the path of righteousness.

Jesus said that if you love Him, you will obey Him. You will want to obey Him. I do and I’m joyful.

Do not walk in the counsel of the wicked, meaning, don’t take their advice or follow their lead. People will try to get you to see things ‘their way’. However, you need to see things God’s way. If you truly love Him, you will obey Him. Let the others ridicule you and pray for them, but don’t follow their path.

Be blessed.

Prayer for Today

Father, I pray that anyone who trusts in You will look to you when facing a time of fear or a challenging situation. Please help them stay on the path of righteousness.



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