Category: Home Life

things to do when you feel drained
Things To Do When You Feel Drained. Sometimes, I feel drained. I wake up and don’t feel like studying the Bible or praying. I don’t even feel like getting up. Life seems overwhelming at times and just out of control. If you have those days, know that it’s normal. There is simply too much going […]
What seeds are you planting
What Seeds Are You Planting With Your Child? What seeds are you planting with your children? Too often, parents choose to point out the negative things their children are doing. How often do you praise the positives? What you sow is what you will reap. If you constantly put a child down or only point […]
When you feel your life is spinning out of control, it's time for a break. Even the disciples had to take a break and rest.


Time for a Break Ever find yourself so caught up in your daily activities that you are constantly going to bed late and exhausted? That’s my life. Even now, after leaving a high-paced, stressful job, my life still feels as if it’s swirling out of control. I seemed to have swapped one type of busy-ness […]
Mother's Day doesn't have to be expensive. Here are 15 awesome and free mother's day gifts you can give your mom.


15 Awesome (and Free) Mother’s Day Gifts The Blessings of a child 21 When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world. John 16:21 Have […]
Single moms, take time for yourself. A healthy mind leads to healthy relationships


Take Time for Yourself Being a single mom It’s hard to be a single mom. You are the loving mom, the breadwinner, the disciplinarian, the doctor, the teacher, the open arms, the cook, the custodian… When do you get to be you? When do you get to take time for yourself? Is it okay to […]
Safe and effective way to clean your counters and bathroom. It's cheap to make too!
Easy to Create Use it in the kitchen When I was in a cleaning frenzy in my kitchen a few years ago, I ran out of cleanser. Not wanting to run out to the store, I mixed baking soda and anti-bacterial dish soap together and used it to scrub down my counter tops. Liking the […]
Do you deal with single parent guilt? Does it cause you an incredible amount of stress? Read to find out how to handle it.
Single Parent Guilt I’m a single mom and I love my daughter with all my heart. I truly believe she is a gift from God. However, being a single mom can have it’s moments of major stress. A lot of that is internal. I feel guilty for her not only being the child of a […]
Life Hacks Life hacks are fun to hear and read about, but a lot of them don’t really work. Did you hear the one about double pressing an elevator button you’ve pressed incorrectly to reset it? We tried it and no luck. We still stopped on the wrong floor. But, a lot of them do […]
10 Ways to Use White Vinegar. So grateful for number 7!!
Getting Away from Chemicals I’m trying my best to get away from harsh chemicals. So many people I know have so many illnesses and my daughter is one of them. When I got an air purifier, I noticed that we both sneezed a lot less. The chemicals in the things we use are the next […]
Should we raise our hands to worship?
  Should We Raise Our Hands When We Worship? I don’t know about you, but raising my hands in church has always been a struggle for me. Last Sunday, we were singing and part of me really wanted to just raise my hands, shut my eyes, and sing loudly. But, I stopped myself I looked […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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