Category: Family time

When you feel your life is spinning out of control, it's time for a break. Even the disciples had to take a break and rest.


Time for a Break Ever find yourself so caught up in your daily activities that you are constantly going to bed late and exhausted? That’s my life. Even now, after leaving a high-paced, stressful job, my life still feels as if it’s swirling out of control. I seemed to have swapped one type of busy-ness […]
Mother's Day doesn't have to be expensive. Here are 15 awesome and free mother's day gifts you can give your mom.


15 Awesome (and Free) Mother’s Day Gifts The Blessings of a child 21 When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world. John 16:21 Have […]
Should we raise our hands to worship?
  Should We Raise Our Hands When We Worship? I don’t know about you, but raising my hands in church has always been a struggle for me. Last Sunday, we were singing and part of me really wanted to just raise my hands, shut my eyes, and sing loudly. But, I stopped myself I looked […]
Plant the seeds and let the Lord do the rest.
Yesterday, I dropped my 9 year old daughter off at school and waited to see her walk in the door. Normally, there is a teacher at the door to make sure the kids go in. But, we were early and she wasn’t there yet. So, my daughter had to press the buzzer and wait. When […]
Kids can be just as busy and stressed as adults


Sometimes I feel as if I’m correcting my daughter a bit too much. She’s only 9, but she’s tall and very mature for her age. So, when she actually acts like a 9 year old, it throws me a bit. But, I have to stop and correct myself. She’s had quite a few changes happen […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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