Category: Natural Living

Safe and effective way to clean your counters and bathroom. It's cheap to make too!
Easy to Create Use it in the kitchen When I was in a cleaning frenzy in my kitchen a few years ago, I ran out of cleanser. Not wanting to run out to the store, I mixed baking soda and anti-bacterial dish soap together and used it to scrub down my counter tops. Liking the […]
10 Ways to Use White Vinegar. So grateful for number 7!!
Getting Away from Chemicals I’m trying my best to get away from harsh chemicals. So many people I know have so many illnesses and my daughter is one of them. When I got an air purifier, I noticed that we both sneezed a lot less. The chemicals in the things we use are the next […]
10 things you can do with coconut oil. I love the sugar scrub!
10 Things You Can Do With Coconut Oil Last fall, I bought a jar of unrefined coconut oil. It was by accident, I meant to get something else but didn’t have my list and grabbed coconut oil instead. So, I looked up what to do with it and a bunch of amazing articles popped up. […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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