Category: God’s Commands

What should you do when you feel anxious?
I Constantly Felt Anxious I spent several years climbing the corporate ladder. I would job hop to something that would pay more and I worked extremely hard to get raises and promotions. To me, a higher salary meant happiness, comfort, and peace. While I was happy to get a higher salary, which could lead to […]
Gloating is a form of pride that can lead to your downfall.
My Issue with Gloating When I was in the sixth grade, half of my school year was spent being bullied by one girl. I’m not sure why she chose me to harass, but she made that school year miserable for me. Years later, when we were both around 18, I happened to see her when […]
When shyness causes you to not share the gospels, then it becomes a problem.
Being an Introvert is Fine Pride is an attribute that many of us have, although a lot of us fail to realize it. I am an introvert and there’s nothing wrong with that. I enjoy spending time indoors, reading books, watching videos, and being with my daughter. However, there’s another part to this. I’ve always […]
The apostles followed Jesus without delay. What do you do when God says move?
Do we hesitate or move? Sometimes we know when God wants us to do something. There are just too many things happening that lead us to this fact. But how often do we follow God’s command without delay? We often have so many excuses for why we can’t instead of saying “yes God” and doing […]
Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself. But, who is your neighbor? Let's look through the Word to see.
Who Is Your Neighbor? Testing Jesus The Pharisees, in an attempt to test Jesus, asked Him which commandment was the greatest. Jesus answered: 26 He said to him, “What is written in the Law? How do you read it?” 27 And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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