Category: God’s Promises

Learn Patience Through Trials. God loves us enough to teach us patience. Learn to be faithful and trust Him.
Learn Patience Through Trials Are you struggling with something and waiting to hear from God? Do you feel as if He is ignoring you? The Book if James talks about being steadfast and having patience. God wants us to learn patience through trials. Have faith that He will guide you. This morning, I was reading […]
Avoid all of the noise in this world. Surround yourself in God's word and experience His peace.
Caught up in Craziness Recently, I allowed myself to get caught up in the madness on social media. I was following posts constantly, taking in and responding to all the negativity. So much so that it was causing anxiety in my life and I was losing sleep. I could feel a negative presence. It hit me […]
No matter how large or small your problems are, God wants to help. Let your requests be made known to God.
Let your Requests be Made Known to God Going it Alone I’ve spent most of my adult life relying only on myself. I’d been disappointed by so many people that I simply gave up on having faith in anyone but myself. I believed in God, I believed in Jesus but I didn’t understand the Bible […]
Are you praying boldly? The Bible tells us to approach the Father with confidence.
Praying Boldly How do You Pray? Are you praying boldly? When you have something going on in your life that is negative, do you ask God to help you “get through it”? Do you ask for “strength to endure”? I’ve done that and still do. I feel, sometimes, that I shouldn’t ask for much because […]
When You Walk in Your Purpose Making the Move We made the move from Pittsburgh to Montgomery. During the process, packing, selling, donating, or tossing out things, getting help with packing the moving containers, and scheduling shipping, I was tired and emotional. I would be excited and look forward to what was to come one […]
Ask God for help when you are struggling with forgiveness. Forgiveness Sets You Free
Forgiveness Sets You Free What is Forgiveness? Forgiveness sets you free. Per Wikipedia, it is defined as the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well. However, it […]
Redemption and forgiveness comes only from God's grace
Redemption defined 1. the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. 2. the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt. When we continue to sin, we are in bondage to that sin. In order to be delivered from bondage, there is typically […]
How the story of Gomer shows redemption
Do you sometimes feel absolutely unworthy? As if your past, or present, is so bad that you simply can’t be forgiven? I’ve been there and it’s no picnic. However, God loves us unconditionally. And, no matter how bad or past, or present, is, Jesus redeemed us all. Let’s look at the story of Gomer. The […]
Redeemed by the blood of Jesus
Have you ever just sat quietly and reflected on the love God has for you? Do you ever think of how strong and powerful that love is? If you do, does it bring tears to your eyes? It does to mine. Just think of it. Jesus knew no sin. He left the Father and Heaven, […]
Call upon the Lord when facing your enemies
What do you do when you are facing an attack from the enemy? We should call out to God, our Father and Protector. I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies. 2 Samuel 22:4 (ESV) This is a repeat of Psalm 18:3 when David was […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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