Category: Inspiration and Encouragement

Are you praying boldly? The Bible tells us to approach the Father with confidence.
Praying Boldly How do You Pray? Are you praying boldly? When you have something going on in your life that is negative, do you ask God to help you “get through it”? Do you ask for “strength to endure”? I’ve done that and still do. I feel, sometimes, that I shouldn’t ask for much because […]
When You Walk in Your Purpose Making the Move We made the move from Pittsburgh to Montgomery. During the process, packing, selling, donating, or tossing out things, getting help with packing the moving containers, and scheduling shipping, I was tired and emotional. I would be excited and look forward to what was to come one […]
When it's time to move on. God makes a way.
When It’s Time to Move On My Confusion I’ve lived in Pittsburgh for 17 ½ years. I initially tried really hard to move, but finding jobs was difficult where I wanted to be. Then, I grew to love Pittsburgh. However, for the past three or four years, I’ve felt this urge to go. I fought […]
Ask God for help when you are struggling with forgiveness. Forgiveness Sets You Free
Forgiveness Sets You Free What is Forgiveness? Forgiveness sets you free. Per Wikipedia, it is defined as the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well. However, it […]
Do you find yourself working for God's love? Have rest in the knowledge that God loves you and you don't have to work to earn it.
Working For God’s Love Crazy Year There is a big gap in my posts. I’d burned myself out physically and emotionally. I was trying so hard to keep this blog active daily that I was missing the entire point of why I started this in the first place. I was working for God’s love instead […]
Keep pressing on, in spite of your struggle. Learn to persevere. Stay in the will of God.
Learn to Persevere I’ve been struggling a bit this past week. Unfortunately, I stopped posting. However, I continued to read the Word and pray. I knew that, at some point, I would feel God’s guiding hand again. My struggle is due to my impatience. I feel the call to missions, but haven’t heard anything yet […]
What type of fasting is right for you? This is post is meant to encourage you. Not everyone fasts from food.
What Type of Fasting Right for You? Is fasting right for you? Should you fast from food and drink? What type of fasting is right for you? What is Fasting? Fasting is primarily a movement of willing abstinence or reduction from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time. An absolute […]
Do you deal with single parent guilt? Does it cause you an incredible amount of stress? Read to find out how to handle it.
Single Parent Guilt I’m a single mom and I love my daughter with all my heart. I truly believe she is a gift from God. However, being a single mom can have it’s moments of major stress. A lot of that is internal. I feel guilty for her not only being the child of a […]
Plant the seeds and let the Lord do the rest.
Yesterday, I dropped my 9 year old daughter off at school and waited to see her walk in the door. Normally, there is a teacher at the door to make sure the kids go in. But, we were early and she wasn’t there yet. So, my daughter had to press the buzzer and wait. When […]
How the story of Gomer shows redemption
Do you sometimes feel absolutely unworthy? As if your past, or present, is so bad that you simply can’t be forgiven? I’ve been there and it’s no picnic. However, God loves us unconditionally. And, no matter how bad or past, or present, is, Jesus redeemed us all. Let’s look at the story of Gomer. The […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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