Category: Love, Peace and Joy

consider it joy
Consider it Joy Lately, I feel like life is throwing one thing at me after another. However, I feel as if it’s not affecting me as it would have in the past. While searching for a devotional today, these verses popped up. I almost skipped them but I felt like I was led to read […]
Repay Evil with Grace Some people go out of their way to be mean. It’s a sad fact of life. You will probably run into someone like this at some point. Also, it could be a person that is having a bad day and they take it out on you. What will your reaction be? […]
What should you do when you feel anxious?
I Constantly Felt Anxious I spent several years climbing the corporate ladder. I would job hop to something that would pay more and I worked extremely hard to get raises and promotions. To me, a higher salary meant happiness, comfort, and peace. While I was happy to get a higher salary, which could lead to […]
Gloating is a form of pride that can lead to your downfall.
My Issue with Gloating When I was in the sixth grade, half of my school year was spent being bullied by one girl. I’m not sure why she chose me to harass, but she made that school year miserable for me. Years later, when we were both around 18, I happened to see her when […]
Your enemy walks around like a prowling lion.
Your Enemy Prowls Around Like a Roaring Lion “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5: 8 (NIV) This was the first thing to pop into my head after the day I had yesterday. I had a full day planned. The best part was that […]
Talk to God first. This helps set the tone for the rest of your day.
Talk to God First What is the first thing you do in the morning? Do you grab your cell phone and scroll through the news, social media, or your calendar? Are you clicking on the television to see what’s happening on the news? Do you rush out of bed, wash up and head out? Or, […]
Parable of the lost son - two lost sons
Two Lost Sons Do you remember the parable of the lost son? A man had two sons. One was a hard worker and one was ready to party and live his own life. He went so far as to ask his father for his part of the inheritance. From my studies, that was the equivalent […]
I’ve heard it said repeatedly, and it was taught to me as a child, that Jesus canceled the old laws of Moses and instituted only two commandments. That is simply not the case. Jesus said: Matthew 5:17 17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come […]
Christians should be gentle
Philippians 4:5 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. One definition of gentleness says: Not harsh or severe; mild and soft. Gentleness is one of the fruits of the Spirit; Galatians 5:23 – gentleness and self-control. Also, Jesus refers to His own gentleness in Matthew and asks that we learn […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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