Category: Women’s Devotional

  What do You Treasure Most? What is first in your life? So many of us try to hang on to what we had when come to know Christ. I know I did. I had a job that paid a very good salary, but I was working long hours and was severely stressed out.The money […]
God Can Still Use You No Matter Your Age So often, we hear of people talk about how God used them in the past. They talk about the “glory days” of their youth where they worked tirelessly to spread the Gospel. They put in countless hours helping the poor, feeding the hungry or sitting with […]
My Keys. When I get home, one of the first things I do is ensure that I put my keys in their proper place. Anytime that I don’t, I usually panic later about misplaced keys. Keys give us opportunities. The keys to our house allow us access to our home, our comfort zone. It also […]
How much do you understand the love of Jesus?
  The Love of Jesus Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so. Do you remember singing that as a child? I do. I also sang it with my daughter when she was younger and with the young children I worked with at church. However, I didn’t quite understand the depth […]
The Bible says that we are not all children of God. Let's look at some verses.
Are We All Children of God? I’ve used “we’re all children of God” numerous times to describe everyone in the world. Because He created us all, I thought He considered us all His children. However, Biblically, that just isn’t true. While we are all His creation, only those who accept Jesus Christ as their savior […]
Learn Patience Through Trials. God loves us enough to teach us patience. Learn to be faithful and trust Him.
Learn Patience Through Trials Are you struggling with something and waiting to hear from God? Do you feel as if He is ignoring you? The Book if James talks about being steadfast and having patience. God wants us to learn patience through trials. Have faith that He will guide you. This morning, I was reading […]
Singing in church is our way of praising God. Do you sing with the worship team?
Singing In Church When the worship team starts to sing, do you join in or do you just listen? Singing in church is a way to offer praise and thanks to the Lord. Do you actively participate in the worship service or do you listen? and it was the duty of the trumpeters and singers […]
How did Jesus Free Us from a future of damnation? By nailing our sins to the cross and removing the capacity of the devil to condemn us.
Freed from sin. Satan and his demons seek to accuse us. No matter what good we do, he will find the bad and wear us down with it. Without Jesus, we have nothing to look forward to but an eternity of damnation. However, Jesus freed us from this future. How did Jesus free us? Let’s […]
3 Ways Satan Tries to Tempt Us. They worked on Eve but not on Jesus. What will you do when tempted?
3 Ways Satan Tries to Tempt Us I was recently reading a devotional that hit on a particular point that I hadn’t considered before. The sins of this world can be summed up as three things. The desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and pride of life. Those are the 3 ways […]
Avoid all of the noise in this world. Surround yourself in God's word and experience His peace.
Caught up in Craziness Recently, I allowed myself to get caught up in the madness on social media. I was following posts constantly, taking in and responding to all the negativity. So much so that it was causing anxiety in my life and I was losing sleep. I could feel a negative presence. It hit me […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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