Category: Women’s Devotional

Keep pressing on, in spite of your struggle. Learn to persevere. Stay in the will of God.
Learn to Persevere I’ve been struggling a bit this past week. Unfortunately, I stopped posting. However, I continued to read the Word and pray. I knew that, at some point, I would feel God’s guiding hand again. My struggle is due to my impatience. I feel the call to missions, but haven’t heard anything yet […]
Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself. But, who is your neighbor? Let's look through the Word to see.
Who Is Your Neighbor? Testing Jesus The Pharisees, in an attempt to test Jesus, asked Him which commandment was the greatest. Jesus answered: 26 He said to him, “What is written in the Law? How do you read it?” 27 And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and […]
This world is a scary place. What does God's Word say when we are dealing with heartbreak?
Dealing With Heartbreak What is happening to us? Right now, I’m dealing with heartbreak and I’m struggling with it. It was nothing recently done to me. It’s my own heart due to the world around me. As I prayed last night, I started thinking about times when I’ve chosen not to show love. I started […]
Lydia one of the women of the Bible. She was the first Christian convert in Europe
Tuesday’s Woman of the Bible – Lydia Paul had a Vision Today’s woman of the Bible is from the New Testament. She is Lydia, a merchant in Phillipi. 13 And on the Sabbath day we went out of the city to the riverside, where prayer was customarily made; and we sat down and spoke to […]
Trust in God, He will not forsake you
Learning to Trust in God Urgent Need Recently, a situation came up where my daughter had a need. I didn’t know how I was going to meet that need financially or logistically. I prayed that night, asking God to show me the way. I mentioned it to my pastor, who made a suggestion that I […]
What type of fasting is right for you? This is post is meant to encourage you. Not everyone fasts from food.
What Type of Fasting Right for You? Is fasting right for you? Should you fast from food and drink? What type of fasting is right for you? What is Fasting? Fasting is primarily a movement of willing abstinence or reduction from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time. An absolute […]
Are you too busy for God? Let's focus on praying more and running around less.
Too Busy For God? Busy Lives I wake up in the morning and read my devotional on my phone. Then, I wake up my daughter and get washed up. I wake my daughter up, again, and get dressed. Before I head downstairs, I wake my daughter up one more time and go down to have […]
Getting to know Jesus means you have to be purposeful. Here are four simple ways to get you started.
Getting to Know Jesus What do you do if you want to get to know someone? You make time for that person. You talk to that person and you listen. You ask questions. You find out that person’s likes and dislikes. Getting to know Jesus is no different. I am blessed to have found an […]
Do you deal with single parent guilt? Does it cause you an incredible amount of stress? Read to find out how to handle it.
Single Parent Guilt I’m a single mom and I love my daughter with all my heart. I truly believe she is a gift from God. However, being a single mom can have it’s moments of major stress. A lot of that is internal. I feel guilty for her not only being the child of a […]
What does the Bible say about gossip?
What is Gossip? Do you engage in the office gossip? Ever been the victim of it? It sucks to be on either side of this equation, doesn’t it? It’s also quite easy to get sucked into it. What is gossip? Gossip is described as a casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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