Category: Topical Study

Your enemy walks around like a prowling lion.
Your Enemy Prowls Around Like a Roaring Lion “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5: 8 (NIV) This was the first thing to pop into my head after the day I had yesterday. I had a full day planned. The best part was that […]
When You Are Weary, God wants to give you strength.
When You Are Weary I am a single mom. Sometimes, the weight of everything that I take on seems to be too much. A lot of it is self-inflicted as I often sign up to do things or I agree to do things before I think about how I’m going to fit them in with […]
Jehoshapat made a breakthrough prayer when surrounded by enemies.
Breakthrough Prayer Have you ever heard of breakthrough prayer?  I was recently introduced to that term, however, I was already aware of the concept. I just didn’t realize what it was. At the end of last year, I was going through something that was wearing me down emotionally and spiritually. I was at the point […]
I'm Tired. But God gifts rest to the weary. Let Him guide your steps and you will have the strength to go about your day.
Choosing to be Positive I missed posting Sunday. Had I done a normal “New Year’s Resolution”, I would have felt like a big failure. However, since God repeatedly reminds me that His mercies are renewed daily, I see each day as a new beginning. Just because I missed Sunday, doesn’t mean that I should miss […]
Talk to God first. This helps set the tone for the rest of your day.
Talk to God First What is the first thing you do in the morning? Do you grab your cell phone and scroll through the news, social media, or your calendar? Are you clicking on the television to see what’s happening on the news? Do you rush out of bed, wash up and head out? Or, […]
How is your resolve? Are you still determined to make this year the best you've had?
How is your resolve? We’re now on the fifth day of the new year. How is your resolve? How have you done with any resolution(s) you made? My last post was about not only looking at a new year but looking at each new week and each new day. I started out strong and faltered […]
New year new me. New day new me should be our motto.
New Year New Me? We’ve all probably heard some form of the saying “New year, new me!” and we may have even said that ourselves. A lot of people start the new year with the best intentions, “I’m going to hit the gym”, “I’m going to eat more healthy”, “I’m leaving toxic relationships behind”, “I’m […]
Parable of the lost son - two lost sons
Two Lost Sons Do you remember the parable of the lost son? A man had two sons. One was a hard worker and one was ready to party and live his own life. He went so far as to ask his father for his part of the inheritance. From my studies, that was the equivalent […]
Be careful little eyes what you see


Vile Things As I mature in my walk with Christ, I’ve let go of a lot of things. I don’t listen to the music that I used to listen to. I don’t go out drinking. I have stopped watching certain TV shows. But, I never really considered the YouTube videos I was watching. I’ve always […]
Was Jesus Tempted? Make sure you understand the meaning of the word before you answer.
Was Jesus Tempted? I have heard a lot of speculation about whether or not Jesus was tempted. I’ve heard people say that if Jesus was tempted then He could not be God because God cannot be tempted. I believe this is due to a misunderstanding of what tempted actually means. I misunderstood this word myself […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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