Don’t Let Your Small Stature Stop You

Don't Let Your Small Stature Stop You

Don’t Let Your Small Stature Stop You

Sometimes, I struggle with writing for this blog. I have a lot to say, but I feel like a fraud. I don’t feel as if I understand the Bible enough to actually try and speak to others about it. However, God continues to show that He never asked me to teach the entire Bible or to teach it at all. Instead, the truths He reveals to me are the truths I need to pass on. In whatever you do, don’t let your small stature stop you. If God is leading you down a certain path, then trust Him and follow.

In the book of 1 Samuel, the Israelites needed someone who could defeat Goliath. Everyone was hiding, including Saul who was the king. David saw this and wasn’t having it. He told Saul that he would fight for Israel. David refused to wear Saul’s armor and found five stones to use as weapons. Goliath despised David because he felt he was just a young boy. He taunted him as he went closer. However, David had God on His side. He wasn’t going to lose this battle.

50 So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.
1 Samuel 17:50

No one thought he could do it, but David had faith in God.

37 The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.”
1 Samuel 17:37

Keep Moving Forward

You are the child of the living God. He has set a path for you. You may feel small and insignificant, but do not let your small stature stop you. If you’re starting your own business, keep pushing forward. You may be starting a new job or writing a book, keep pushing forward. Use your gifts and keep going.

The enemy will try to stop you. You will hear that you don’t speak well, you don’t have enough to give, other people do it better, or there are too many competitors. Erase that negative thought by being in constant communication with the Father. He is where your focus should be.

Have a blessed and prosperous week.

Are you struggling with the belief that God actually loves you? Do you struggle to believe that He wants a real relationship with you? I struggled with this for years. Through studying the scripture, I grew to understand God’s love, grace, and mercy. I created a 30-day book that I believe will help you, too.

0 Day SOAP Bath - Understand the Love of God



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