How is your resolve?

How is your resolve? Are you still determined to make this year the best you've had?

How is your resolve?

We’re now on the fifth day of the new year. How is your resolve? How have you done with any resolution(s) you made? My last post was about not only looking at a new year but looking at each new week and each new day. I started out strong and faltered one day. However, I had comfort in the knowledge that I was promised a new blessing for each new day. My actual resolution is to remember that promise throughout this year.

Each morning, we should thank God for a new and fresh start. Let the past be in the past. We can only change or make amends those things that are in our control and we must give the rest to God. Have trust in the Father who is able to do all things. Let each new year, each new week, and each new day bring you a renewed spirit.

But the people who trust the Lord will become strong again.
They will be able to rise up as an eagle in the sky.
They will run without needing rest.
They will walk without becoming tired.
Isaiah 40:31 (ICB)

Believe His Word

God’s word tells us that if we trust in him, we will become strong again. I believe that we can soar high as eagles. The problem is, we allow the world to tell us we cannot and we give up. Believe in yourself because God believes in you.

Have a blessed and prosperous week!

Scriptures quoted from the International Children’s Bible®, copyright ©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.


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