Keep Looking Forward

Keep Looking Forward - Look forward to the blessings

Keep Looking Forward

So far this year, my posts have been about looking forward. This is an issue for me and I feel that God really put this on my heart. I spent far too much time regretting decisions made in the past that I can’t change. While it’s good to reflect on past decisions so that you can make good ones, it’s unhealthy to dwell on them. You must keep looking forward.

We should learn from our past mistakes and use that knowledge to make better decisions going forward. We should be prepared to receive new blessings each day. God tells us that we must press on. He has better things waiting for us.

18 The Lord says, “Forget what happened before. Do not think about the past.
19 Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it?
I will make a road in the desert. I will make rivers in the dry land.
Isaiah 43:18-19 (ICB)

Seek Jesus First

One good decision to make is to start each day with Jesus. Ask Him to help you make those decisions that come your way. I called on Him for so much this year. Whenever I feel that I’m starting to dwell on past decisions, I speak with Him. I ask from strength to not let bad things bring me down because He has promised blessings for me. I also ask him for guidance since I know there will be things coming my way that I will need His help with.

This month, so many positives changes have occurred in my life because I’ve chosen to keep looking forward. I chose to ask for strength and guidance. I’ve given Him my burdens and I’m able to sleep better at night. I have joy now that I haven’t had in months and I feel that I’m gaining clarity in so many things.

Keep looking forward. Do not be held back by anything that has happened in the past. Use it as a learning tool. Seek God first daily and reach out to Him throughout the day. Get in the Word as it will give you guidance and comfort.

Have a blessed and prosperous week!

Scriptures quoted from the International Children’s Bible®, copyright ©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.


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