Meditate on the Word

What is meditation?

What is Meditation?

What is meditation? The Google definition shows that to meditate means to think deeply or focus one’s mind for a period of time. This can be done in silence or with the aid of chants and the purpose is for spiritual purposes or relaxation.

For believers in Christ, meditation is vitally important. In this society, we are constantly bombarded with things of the world. They are colorful, noisy, and distracting. These things find our way into our homes, our minds, and our hearts. Eventually, we can become desensitized, this is why meditation is so important. It helps us focus our minds and hearts on God.

We Are Instructed to Meditate

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.
Psalm 1: 1-2

We are instructed to meditate on God’s word. We should place our focus on Him and His ways. By doing so, we are able to block out the noise and distractions, not get caught up in them. By studying the scriptures, praying for understanding, and listening to God, we can learn His will for us.

You Must Make the Time

Based on my own experience and from those I speak with, our lives have become so full of things we must get done that we’ve sacrificed the time we need for meditation. In order to correct this, it is up to us to make the time. Get up 30 minutes or an hour earlier and find a quiet place. Bring paper, a pen, and a Bible. It can be a physical Bible or an app. I tend to use both.

Meditation helps us in so many ways. We become aware of His presence when we are quiet. Your focus helps you understand the Word. You will find that your prayers become more earnest when you eliminate distractions and focus solely on spending time with God.

If you want to make Christ the center of your life, you must make the time for mediation. Meditate on His word daily. You will receive the joy that is rightfully yours as a child of God.

Have a blessed and prosperous week.


Are you struggling with the belief that God actually loves you? Do you struggle to believe that He wants a real relationship with you? I struggled with this for years. Through studying the scripture, I grew to understand God’s love, grace, and mercy. I created a 30-day book that I believe will help you, too.

0 Day SOAP Bath - Understand the Love of God

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


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