Move Without Delay

The apostles followed Jesus without delay. What do you do when God says move?

Do we hesitate or move?

Sometimes we know when God wants us to do something. There are just too many things happening that lead us to this fact. But how often do we follow God’s command without delay?

We often have so many excuses for why we can’t instead of saying “yes God” and doing it. We say we don’t have enough money or that we don’t have enough time or that we aren’t the right person. But if God has called you to do it, then God will give you the money, the time, and the strength and courage to get it done. We just need to do it.

The apostles didn’t hesitate.

Let’s look at some examples of those who immediately heard the call of God, dropped what they were doing and followed Jesus without delay.

When Jesus saw Simon, later known as Peter, and his brother Andrew with the fishing boats he told them to follow him. Let’s look at their response.

17 And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” 18 And immediately they left their nets and followed him.
Mark 1:17-18

Likewise, when Jesus saw James and John, the sons of Zebedee, they did the same.

20 And immediately he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him.
Mark 1:20

They all left immediately when called. Fishing was their livelihood, without it, their family could not have any income. However, they immediately dropped what they were doing and followed Jesus.

Do we have that type of faith?

How many of us would have done that? Especially when told, “I will make you fishers of men”. What does that mean? We know what it means now because we have the Bible, but I doubt they understood what Jesus was asking when He said it. However, they immediately followed Him, whether they understood it or not. They didn’t ask “how will we get paid” and they didn’t say “I don’t know how to do this”. They heard the call of God and immediately obeyed, without delay.

If we are to be obedient, we are to go without delay. We have to leave our comfort zone. It’s a hard thing to do, I know this for a fact. I was asked to leave a very well paying job to work for a non-profit, which was half my salary. It was hard but God brought me through that. We’ve never run out of money at the end of the month because miracles happen continually.

My comfort zone shifted.

I was called to move away from a city that I really loved and when I said yes, my house sold so fast that I wasn’t ready and had to hustle to get things out. When we moved, we found another house that I really liked but initially didn’t think I could afford. However, we were able to get it without any shady real estate dealings or anything. Again, saying “yes God” and going without delay brought about wonderful things. Glory be to God.

Now that we’re in our new place, once I stopped complaining about missing my old home and asked God why I was here, new opportunities are opening up to serve Him. I know this was why I was here and now I’m better at moving without delay.

We have to let go of our comfort zone and focus solely on what God wants for us. Let’s try to say more of “yes God” and moving without delay. If God wants you to do something, He isn’t going to just send you out without any assistance.

19 And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19

Let’s have trust and faith in our Father. Just as the disciples immediately dropped what they were doing and followed Jesus, let’s also be obedient to the Lord without delay.


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