Out of My Comfort Zone

comfort zone

Out of My Comfort Zone

I spent January really focusing on my relationship with God because I felt that I needed to move forward and do more than the blog. I started a YouTube channel, but that wasn’t it either. Finally, I felt the call to start a Bible study group. I wanted to do it online, but that is too much in my comfort zone. In order to grow, I need to reach out.

I spent a few weeks doing a couple of verse-by-verse studies of The Book of Romans. It really helped me understand the gift of salvation. I wanted to reach out to others and help them understand. When I prayed about my next steps, I felt that I need to get out of my comfort zone. I decided to do an in-person Bible study instead.

New Way of Doing Things

We’re in a pandemic, so I was already nervous about it. However, I’ve got plenty of masks, hand sanitizer, and space. But leading people is not what I do. However, if God wants me to do this, I know He will help me. I tend to get very tongue-tied when I’m nervous, but I kept being reminded that Moses was not a great speaker either. Yet, God used him to lead a nation of people out of Egypt.

10 But Moses said to the Lord, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.” 11 Then the Lord said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?
Exodus 4:10-11

No Excuses

God wasn’t going to accept excuses from Moses and He isn’t going to accept them from me either. Besides, the video was going to teach, I just needed to facilitate. I walk each morning and I pray during my walk. I prayed about signing up to lead a class and I felt the Lord saying that as long as I meditated on His word, my will class will fine. It will eventually be filled with people.

That actually startled me. Even though I didn’t feel that it filling up would be immediate, the fact that it will happen one day made me a little apprehensive. I studied Romans and meditated on the verses until I felt I was able to assist with any questions.


The day came and I had my first class. I was pretty sure no one was coming since there weren’t any sign-ups, but my daughter encouraged me to wait until the scheduled time to start the video. She and I planned to go through the videos on our own if no one came. I waited until it was the official start of class and I prepared to start the video. There was a knock on the door and someone came in for the class. I was astonished and also grateful that it was someone I’d met before and felt at ease around.

The three of us watched the video and then discussed it. The discussion moved away from the topic and on to our personal lives. I got to learn more about a person I knew only in passing. In the end, I believe that is what God wanted; for me to build new relationships. He wanted to move me out of my comfort zone. We’ve had three meetings now and the person attending offered to supply the food at the third. The discussions were very good and I really feel this is the start of something wonderful.

In order to walk with God, you have to get out of your comfort zone. It’s easy to sit behind your screen (at least for me) but we need to meet with others. Sometimes, sitting and chatting with other people is the push they need. A smile, food, and good conversation can be the highlight of someone’s day. Let’s move away from our comfort zones in our walk with God.


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