Planting the Seeds

Planting the Seeds

Yesterday, I dropped my 9 year old daughter off at school and waited to see her walk in the door. Normally, there is a teacher at the door to make sure the kids go in. But, we were early and she wasn’t there yet. So, my daughter had to press the buzzer and wait. When she opened the door, I started to drive off slowly. But when I looked over, she was still standing there holding the open door. I stopped and wondered why she didn’t go in. Then I saw them, two little kids running to the school. She was waiting for them, then let them go in first.

This is one of numerous acts my daughter has performed in service to others. She always takes care of the little kids. She doesn’t stand for them being bullied and she won’t go through a door if little ones are coming without a parent.

As a result, little kids love her. When she’s at the after school sitter, the kids bounce around in anticipation waiting for her to arrive. The sitter tells me that they crawl all over her when she gets there.

She also loves to help those less fortunate. When I go a particular grocery store, I always get baby food for the food bin. After I pay for it, she grabs it out of the buggy and puts it in the food bank’s bin. One day, I forgot. She searched the buggy after I paid and asked where the baby food was. I’d been rushing and only wanted a few things and I simply forgot. Well, she made sure that I didn’t forget after that and hoped out loud that the ‘babies aren’t hungry because we forgot the food’. Not only did I not forget the next time, I doubled my normal purchase.

And talk about being a servant. She wants to help the homeless in any way she can and assisted with the set up in a meal ministry and packing for a women’s program. She is always asking when she can do it again and what else can she do to help!

She witnesses to her friends and has invited three of them to church. I’m ashamed to say that’s two more than I’ve invited. I often pray to have a heart more like hers.

I’m not saying all of this to brag. I’m very proud of my daughter’s heart, but that’s not the point of this post. It’s to show her love for Christ and show how we shouldn’t feel that we need to convert people.

Jesus said:

40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’

Matthew 25:40

My daughter lives this. She protects the kids that are smaller than she is and she loves helping the homeless and less fortunate. She loves God and isn’t ashamed to tell everyone. She invited her friends to church and explains things to them when they don’t understand.

Not to say that she is perfect. She is nine and we’re starting to hit that phase. But, she has a wonderful and open heart. She even tries to take care of me at times. If that’s not a person walking with God, I don’t know what is.

She’s been learning the Word from a very young age and it’s in her heart. I worried that I was forcing something on her, but I was not. I simply led her to the Word, planted the seed, and she took it ran with me. Surpassing me! She asked to be baptized last year and was, at 9 years old. I was in my 30s before I was baptized.

We can only plant the seed. It is up to God to do the rest. Share the Word but don’t fret about the outcome. Let God take control.

Have a blessed day.

Matthew 25-40


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