Tag: Bible study

Understanding the thorn in your flesh.


A Thorn in Your Flesh There is something that I’ve dealt with for decades. After becoming a follower of Jesus, I’ve asked repeatedly to have that removed. I don’t want to deal with it anymore. I’m at the point where I pray to God for strength daily so that I do not succumb to this […]
Like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop.
Parable of the Sower Last week, I wrote about distractions. I read the Parable of the Sower this morning and, again, I felt that it spoke to how easily I am distracted. As focused as I am determined to be, I still get easily distracted by things happening in my life or my plans for […]
Talk to God first. This helps set the tone for the rest of your day.
Talk to God First What is the first thing you do in the morning? Do you grab your cell phone and scroll through the news, social media, or your calendar? Are you clicking on the television to see what’s happening on the news? Do you rush out of bed, wash up and head out? Or, […]
Was Jesus Tempted? Make sure you understand the meaning of the word before you answer.
Was Jesus Tempted? I have heard a lot of speculation about whether or not Jesus was tempted. I’ve heard people say that if Jesus was tempted then He could not be God because God cannot be tempted. I believe this is due to a misunderstanding of what tempted actually means. I misunderstood this word myself […]
3 Ways Satan Tries to Tempt Us. They worked on Eve but not on Jesus. What will you do when tempted?
3 Ways Satan Tries to Tempt Us I was recently reading a devotional that hit on a particular point that I hadn’t considered before. The sins of this world can be summed up as three things. The desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and pride of life. Those are the 3 ways […]
Avoid all of the noise in this world. Surround yourself in God's word and experience His peace.
Caught up in Craziness Recently, I allowed myself to get caught up in the madness on social media. I was following posts constantly, taking in and responding to all the negativity. So much so that it was causing anxiety in my life and I was losing sleep. I could feel a negative presence. It hit me […]
Open Your Eyes 2 Kings 6
Open Your Eyes Does it feel like the enemy is all around you and you are trapped? I know this feeling well. It seems that the situation is hopeless. You want to throw up your hands and give up or give in. However, this is when we really need to speak to God. Ask God […]
Learn the Bible verse by verse. Great for your home, car, or office.
Learn the Bible Verse by Verse Are you searching for a way to learn the Bible verse by verse? Here is a way that I found that is also very convenient to use. Back story A couple of years ago, I had surgery and had complications two days later, which led to me getting an […]
Free online Bible study
3 Free Online Bible Study Sites Here are 3 free online Bible study sites. The first one I’ve used off and on for a few years. The other two are recent finds. Bible Study Lessons: http://www.biblestudylessons.com I’ve used this site on and off for years. It’s a good site that encourages you to read your Bible […]
Redemption and forgiveness comes only from God's grace
Redemption defined 1. the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. 2. the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt. When we continue to sin, we are in bondage to that sin. In order to be delivered from bondage, there is typically […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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