Tag: Matthew

Do Not Give to be Seen. What are the motives behind your actions?
Our Lives on Display I’ve often wondered about some of the photos I’ve seen of people who are doing good for others. I think it’s great that they are helping and that they are encouraging others to help as well. However, there are some photos or posts that I’ve seen that seem to have a […]
My Keys. When I get home, one of the first things I do is ensure that I put my keys in their proper place. Anytime that I don’t, I usually panic later about misplaced keys. Keys give us opportunities. The keys to our house allow us access to our home, our comfort zone. It also […]
The Bible says that we are not all children of God. Let's look at some verses.
Are We All Children of God? I’ve used “we’re all children of God” numerous times to describe everyone in the world. Because He created us all, I thought He considered us all His children. However, Biblically, that just isn’t true. While we are all His creation, only those who accept Jesus Christ as their savior […]
We are warned to stay away from false prophets. According to Jesus, you will know them by their fruits. The same goes for anyone. What fruit are you producing?
You Will Know Them By Their Fruits What Fruit is Being Produced? There are so many people ‘preaching the Word’ today that it can be a little confusing. Some preach nothing but grace, some preach nothing but prosperity, some preach nothing but doom. With so much going on, how can you discern who is truly […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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