Tag: new beginnings

Keep Looking Forward - Look forward to the blessings
Keep Looking Forward So far this year, my posts have been about looking forward. This is an issue for me and I feel that God really put this on my heart. I spent far too much time regretting decisions made in the past that I can’t change. While it’s good to reflect on past decisions […]
How is your resolve? Are you still determined to make this year the best you've had?
How is your resolve? We’re now on the fifth day of the new year. How is your resolve? How have you done with any resolution(s) you made? My last post was about not only looking at a new year but looking at each new week and each new day. I started out strong and faltered […]
New year new me. New day new me should be our motto.
New Year New Me? We’ve all probably heard some form of the saying “New year, new me!” and we may have even said that ourselves. A lot of people start the new year with the best intentions, “I’m going to hit the gym”, “I’m going to eat more healthy”, “I’m leaving toxic relationships behind”, “I’m […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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