Tag: Paul

Don't let your past hold you back.


Don’t Let Your Past Hold You Back Is your past stopping you from a future with Jesus Christ? There was a time where I would not go to church because I felt I was not good enough for God’s love. I felt that I had to change myself before I could even go before him. […]
Do you deal with single parent guilt? Does it cause you an incredible amount of stress? Read to find out how to handle it.
Single Parent Guilt I’m a single mom and I love my daughter with all my heart. I truly believe she is a gift from God. However, being a single mom can have it’s moments of major stress. A lot of that is internal. I feel guilty for her not only being the child of a […]
God is Amazing
When God sends you on a mission to do something, He will see to it that you carry out that mission. That does NOT mean that it will be a bed of roses. You will face persecution, sometimes to the point of death. But, if God determines that your mission is to spread his message […]
To live is Christ


To Paul, Christ was everything. His life was for Christ. He knew that when he died, he would be with Christ, which was his gain. To live is _______. If we had to fill in the blank, what would you place? Fame, money, glory? All those things will fade away. You can’t take any of […]
Where does your treasure lie. In heaven or on earth?
Both Jesus and Paul called the world perverse. All you have to do is turn on the news (or watch any reality show) to see just how true that is. As a believer in Christ, we must rise above what is happening around us, not get swept up in it. When negative things happen, non-believers […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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