Tag: redemption

Grace is a gift from God. You don't have to work for it.
Grace is a Gift With everything that we’ve done or thought, we don’t deserve to spend eternity with God. We were born sinners and we’ve all heard that the wages of sin is death. Thank God for His grace! However, I feel that a lot of people don’t actually know what grace is. Grace is […]
Redemption and forgiveness comes only from God's grace
Redemption defined 1. the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. 2. the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt. When we continue to sin, we are in bondage to that sin. In order to be delivered from bondage, there is typically […]
How the story of Gomer shows redemption
Do you sometimes feel absolutely unworthy? As if your past, or present, is so bad that you simply can’t be forgiven? I’ve been there and it’s no picnic. However, God loves us unconditionally. And, no matter how bad or past, or present, is, Jesus redeemed us all. Let’s look at the story of Gomer. The […]
Redeemed by the blood of Jesus
Have you ever just sat quietly and reflected on the love God has for you? Do you ever think of how strong and powerful that love is? If you do, does it bring tears to your eyes? It does to mine. Just think of it. Jesus knew no sin. He left the Father and Heaven, […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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