Tag: salvation

What is the Roman's Road to Salvation?
Roman’s Road to Salvation God has been putting it on my heart recently to talk about salvation. I was recently on a social media platform where I saw the pain of so many people. I also saw the devil hard at work and I actually wept. This post is a little different than many of […]
Don't let your past hold you back.


Don’t Let Your Past Hold You Back Is your past stopping you from a future with Jesus Christ? There was a time where I would not go to church because I felt I was not good enough for God’s love. I felt that I had to change myself before I could even go before him. […]
Are You a Lukewarm Christian. Jesus said He will spit them out.
Am I A Lukewarm Christian? I’m currently doing a Bible study in my home. The most recent chapter discussed lukewarm Christians. I went into thinking that I was not a lukewarm Christian. I ended it with the realization that, in some circumstances, my actions do seem rather lukewarm. What is Wrong with Lukewarm? Heat can purify […]
How did Jesus Free Us from a future of damnation? By nailing our sins to the cross and removing the capacity of the devil to condemn us.
Freed from sin. Satan and his demons seek to accuse us. No matter what good we do, he will find the bad and wear us down with it. Without Jesus, we have nothing to look forward to but an eternity of damnation. However, Jesus freed us from this future. How did Jesus free us? Let’s […]
All things are possible with God


We cannot save ourselves. Salvation comes only through the redemptive nature of Christ.
Where does your treasure lie. In heaven or on earth?


What has your heart? Work? Food? Shopping? Social media? In today’s society, we are bombarded with outside pressure. Everyone is ‘connected’ electronically. Let’s take a step back and focus on what is important. We must learn to push outside noises aside and spend time with our God.
We should stay on the straight and narrow road


There are so many paths that lead to hell. We get pulled in so many directions that it can get overwhelming. But, through the death and resurrection of Christ, we have the gift of God’s mercy and grace.
To live is Christ


To Paul, Christ was everything. His life was for Christ. He knew that when he died, he would be with Christ, which was his gain. To live is _______. If we had to fill in the blank, what would you place? Fame, money, glory? All those things will fade away. You can’t take any of […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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