Tag: trust in God

I'm Tired. But God gifts rest to the weary. Let Him guide your steps and you will have the strength to go about your day.
Choosing to be Positive I missed posting Sunday. Had I done a normal “New Year’s Resolution”, I would have felt like a big failure. However, since God repeatedly reminds me that His mercies are renewed daily, I see each day as a new beginning. Just because I missed Sunday, doesn’t mean that I should miss […]
Keep Looking Forward - Look forward to the blessings
Keep Looking Forward So far this year, my posts have been about looking forward. This is an issue for me and I feel that God really put this on my heart. I spent far too much time regretting decisions made in the past that I can’t change. While it’s good to reflect on past decisions […]
My spiritual battle. Trust God to get you through your spiritual battle.
My Spiritual Battle I haven’t posted for a while because I’ve been going through a spiritual battle. In the past, when I felt oppressed by evil, I tended to take my focus inward. I stayed to myself and I wasted time by watching videos with no substance just to stop the internal noise. But not […]
Avoid all of the noise in this world. Surround yourself in God's word and experience His peace.
Caught up in Craziness Recently, I allowed myself to get caught up in the madness on social media. I was following posts constantly, taking in and responding to all the negativity. So much so that it was causing anxiety in my life and I was losing sleep. I could feel a negative presence. It hit me […]
Are you dealing with shyness? The fear of man is a trap laid by the devil.
Dealing with Shyness I’ve always been a shy person. It took years for me to get myself out there, and it usually involved going out for drinks to break my shyness. That got old fast and I got to the point where I would go and meet new people without the alcohol. But, now that […]
Trust in God, He will not forsake you
Learning to Trust in God Urgent Need Recently, a situation came up where my daughter had a need. I didn’t know how I was going to meet that need financially or logistically. I prayed that night, asking God to show me the way. I mentioned it to my pastor, who made a suggestion that I […]
Prayer does work
Have you ever wanted to do something but wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do? I think everyone has had that moment at some point in his or her life. But, what do you do when you just aren’t sure? Pray about it! It took me so long to learn that. I […]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
When you follow God’s will for your life, you don’t have to worry. He will be there with you every step of the way.
Jeremiah 1:5 4 Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: 5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” This is when God first spoke to Jeremiah; letting him know that he was set apart to be […]

Using Psalms to Combat Fear Journal
My Gratitude Journal – Focus on the Good

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