Talk to God First

Talk to God first. This helps set the tone for the rest of your day.

Talk to God First

What is the first thing you do in the morning? Do you grab your cell phone and scroll through the news, social media, or your calendar? Are you clicking on the television to see what’s happening on the news? Do you rush out of bed, wash up and head out? Or, do you talk to God first, before doing anything else?

In January 2017, Report Linker released the results of a survey that said 46% of Americans check their smartphones as soon as they wake up. It’s probably a safe assumption that the number has risen since the survey was taken. I have to admit, I’m a part of that number.

The first thing you do sets the tone.

I’m a firm believer that what you do first thing in the morning can have a strong bearing on how the rest of the day goes. When I wake and see nothing but bad news, my day feels tainted. That’s nothing that I want to carry around with me. The first thing we need to experience is the presence of God, not nonsense from social media or lies, negativity, and misinformation from the news. That stuff causes confusion, depression, and a host of other problems. I was agitated before I even got out of bed and carrying all of the nonsense into the rest of my day.

2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2

I was determined to get out of that habit. You can have a renewed mind without knowing the Word. There is a Bible app on my phone and decided that, if I’m going to reach for my phone on auto-pilot, I’m going to open that app first. I can get a verse of the day, which leads to me wanting to know more about the verse and reading the chapter. Sometimes, I let the audio play and listen to the entire book. Those verses have led to me changing my prayer and talking to God more. I’ve started to carry the word of God into the rest of my day.

2 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.
John 15:2

It can change your interactions.

I have noticed that my interactions are changing based on being in the Word first. My daughter has commented on certain things that I’ve said in casual conversation and I realized that I’m teaching her without realizing it. It’s led me to be more focused than ever on really understanding what it is God wants me to do. I’m asking Him to remove my selfish desires and replace them with His desires.

This change came simply from a desire to talk to God first. I want to be filled with His spirit. That peace, joy, and love are what I want to carry with me throughout my day.

Using a Bible app may not be what works for you, but it works for me. Whatever way you choose to do it, talk to God first. Keep a Bible near your bed in case God’s word speaks to you. Have a conversation with Him before you do anything at all if that works best. Spend time with the Father and carry his Spirit into the rest of your day.

Have a blessed and prosperous week!


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