Time For A Break


When you feel your life is spinning out of control, it's time for a break. Even the disciples had to take a break and rest.

Time for a Break

Ever find yourself so caught up in your daily activities that you are constantly going to bed late and exhausted? That’s my life. Even now, after leaving a high-paced, stressful job, my life still feels as if it’s swirling out of control. I seemed to have swapped one type of busy-ness for another.

It isn’t just work either. There are sports and clubs and Bible studies in the evenings and on the weekends. Also, trying to keep up a blog, even though I love what I’m writing about, adds to the nonstop pace.

But yesterday, God seemed to put the brakes on things. I was going to go to a Bible study, but after talking to my daughter, we decided to go out to dinner instead. That led to us taking a walk after dinner down the main street in my neighborhood. Since she wanted to play with her friends, I told her the walk would be quick, but, we wound up strolling instead. We stopped and read the postings in the windows. We saw the karate students prepare for class and the dancers twirling in the dance studio. We peeked through the windows of two new stores we’d never visited. It was a very relaxing time.

When we got home, I looked at how high the grass was and dreaded having to cut it with my push mower. My daughter went to play, but it was only for a few minutes. When she came back, we actually sat on the porch together with no cell phones or iPods. Just us, talking and watching the traffic. She offered to cut the grass for me, which really surprised me. But she did! She cut the grass and swept up the sidewalk. I wound up cutting the backyard. And we sat on the porch again.

At one point, it became incredibly quiet. My neighborhood is never quiet. It was kind of eerie, but wonderful. The sky was getting dark, but it was clear and beautiful. My daughter had her head in my lap and we were just enjoying each other’s company and the beauty that God created. We watched hawks fly over, rabbits hop around, and our neighbors’ cat trot down the sidewalk. I don’t think I’ve felt peace like that in quite a while.

When life feels like it’s getting out of control, just stop. It’s time for a break. Task lists, errands and chores can wait. Take a mental health break. Enjoy the time you have with your family or friends or a good book or your Bible or whatever makes you feel relaxed. Leave the electronics and just spend time talking or just being with other. It’s not hard to do once you put your mind to it.

You’re in Good Company

Even the disciples had to take a break.

And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.
Mark 6:31

Church activities can sometimes become a burden as well. When it gets to a point where it’s draining you, it’s time to rest a while. Remember, it’s God, spouse and family. Not friends, church members, and school activities. If you break down, you won’t be in any position to help anyone.

Have a blessed day.



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