Tuesday’s Woman of the Bible – Lydia

Lydia a Woman of the Bible who was the first Christian convert in Europe

Tuesday’s Woman of the Bible – Lydia

Paul had a Vision

Today’s woman of the Bible is from the New Testament. She is Lydia, a merchant in Phillipi.

13 And on the Sabbath day we went out of the city to the riverside, where prayer was customarily made; and we sat down and spoke to the women who met there. 14 Now a certain woman named Lydia heard us. She was a seller of purple from the city of Thyatira, who worshiped God. The Lord opened her heart to heed the things spoken by Paul. 15 And when she and her household were baptized, she begged us, saying, “If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come to my house and stay.” So she persuaded us.
Acts 16:13-15 (NIV)

Paul was intending to preach the Word in Asia, but the Holy Spirit prevented him. He had a vision which led him to Macedonia. This is where he encounters Lydia.

Who Was Lydia?

Lydia was a ‘seller of purple’. Purple cloth was expensive at that time so it is thought that she was a successful merchant. She was from the city of Thyatira but traded in Phillipi. Lydia worshiped God and He opened her heart to listen to the words of Paul.

Lydia is a great example of a woman whose consistent prayer and worship of God led to her conversion. She prayed regularly with the women near the river. After hearing the message, she and her household were baptized. Lydia was the first Christian convert in Europe.

Seek the Lord

I believe that the Lord led Paul to Macedonia in part to speak with Lydia. This story shows that the Lord cares for all of His children. He guided Paul and Silas directly to her path. In return, Lydia repaid them with her hospitality.

9 “And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.
1 Chronicles 28:9 (NIV)

Lydia was seeking God, leading to her heart being opened and accepting when Paul and Silas came along. Like Lydia, we should also seek God in prayer. Even though I am born again, I am not perfect. God still moves and changes me everyday. I still ask Him to open my heart. That way, when the Lord puts something on my heart or a person in my path with truth, I will be ready to accept it.

Have a blessed day


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