What Seeds Are You Planting With Your Child?

What seeds are you planting

What Seeds Are You Planting With Your Child?

What seeds are you planting with your children? Too often, parents choose to point out the negative things their children are doing. How often do you praise the positives? What you sow is what you will reap. If you constantly put a child down or only point out things they’re doing wrong, they will begin to feel as if they can’t do anything right.

There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

Proverbs 12:18 ESV

Harsh words hurt and they will stick with your child. If your child is doing something dangerous or reckless, give a stern warning, but do not include insults and additional negativity. I completely understand that our children can be a handful at times, however, correction must be done in a way that does not cause harm. Instead of insulting, teach.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Ephesians 4:29 ESV

Build Them Up

The words we use can either build a person up or completely tear them down. God entrusted us with our children. It is up to us to plant seeds that will build them up. It takes time and care, just as if you were planting in your garden or field. Be patient, kind, and consistent. There will be times where your patience is tested. This is when you need to PRAY before speaking.

Your words can also be seeds that you plant in people’s minds. They grow and they bear fruit. So you need to choose your words wisely, especially when you’re talking with people that you love, like your children, your husband, your wife, and your friends.
Daring Faith – Rick Warren

When planting outdoors, we pull the weeds taking care to not harm the plant. When raising a child, we need to take the same precaution. I have to think back on all the things I did growing up and this helps me understand what my daughter is going through. I pray for her a lot and I pray that I carefully pull the weeds while also encouraging. I explain to her why I have rules. I apologize if I say anything negative and I’m learning to use constructive criticism.

If getting to the root of a problem is like pulling weeds from a garden, then praising character is like watering it. Both weeding and watering are necessary for healthy growth, but watering is much less work.
Children of Character – Mardy Freeman

What seeds are you planting with your child?


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